Cherry Blossoms Set


Is your favorite season spring?

Do you love flowers, the start of the school year in Japan and the beginning of spring?
Well, this set is perfect for you.

Choose the complete set, or just the earrings.


As a student of Japanese, I admire the custom of watching cherry blossoms bloom in spring, which is common in Japan (it is called hanami).
This Cherry Blossoms Set are inspired by my love for the spring season.


I love to see how while there is still cold the trees begin to bloom, and day by day their petals fill valleys and cities with a pale pink color. Their petals look like little sparkles in the cold days of the end of winter and announce the arrival of spring. That is the essence behind the design of the Cherry Blossoms Set.

Not everyone has pierced ears. Some people can’t get them pierced for religious or medical reasons or maybe just because they don’t want to.
But having unpierced ears doesn’t mean you can’t wear earrings. You just have to wear clips.
Fun fact: in Victorian times, wealthy women believed it was a shame to get their ears pierced. For this reason, clip-on earrings were invented.

In these earrings, the clips are available in two styles, so you won’t have limits either way:

Non-piercing hinge: it clips smoothly to the ear without a stick. For this reason, these earrings can be worn on both pierced and non-pierced ears.
Piercing-free screw: combines the convenience of back threading, plus the ease of hinged earrings.

Leave it in order comments at checkout.

Metal alloy, synthetic pearls and methacrylate.

Length of earrings
4 cm

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Additional information

Weight 20 g
Dimensions 15 × 10 × 5 cm

Full set, Only earrings


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